1. Do Your Target Market Research.
Psychographic: Life stage, values, personality, lifestyle, and social class
Geographic: Neighborhood, city, and region
Behavioristic: Attitude, loyalty, consumption, and buying pattern
Demographic: Family size, ethnicity, education, gender, income, and age
2. Use Tracking Methods.
Note that there are a wide range of incredible tracking systems and strategies you can deploy to see what is really going on with your marketing campaign. One of them is the use of online marketing platforms such as Facebook and Google AdWords. These platforms provide people with detailed statistics that pertain to the ads they’re using. Note that the use of this type of analytic methodology doesn’t mean that you will no longer need to conduct experiments and tests. Rather, it means that you will need to figure out which ads resonate with your target audience. The statistical data provided will amplify the marketing process by enabling you to determine which ads are generating results so that you can make speedy decisions regarding what type of images, colors, and screen placement to use the next time around.
3. Decide When You Should Be Advertising.
4. Implement Branding Strategies.
The entire process of creating a consistent, appealing image for your brand is referred to as branding. Luckily, there are hundreds and hundreds of branding strategies available to you. One is creating promotional products that feature your company logo, slogan, icons, colors, etc. Coffee cups and pens are just two of many promotional products that small business owners use for branding purposes. To take your branding process into the online world, consider the value of running a social media contest in which you ask your audience to design a new logo for your product line. The winning entry then becomes the image that will subsequently appear on all of your marketing material.
Contact Banner Edge Media today to see how we can help you implement and execute the above strategies.